Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Using YouTube for SEO Purposes Increases Conversions And Sales, says Digital Marketer


The Statistics show that “Using YouTube for SEO Purposes Increases Conversions And Sales,” explains the Digital Marketer newsletter. When people use YouTube for SEO and get top ranking, the newsletter adds, people will greatly increase YouTube views to their videos.

YouTube is the second most highly trafficked search engine on the Internet, the newsletter reports, and Google being the top searched website on the Internet. Increase YouTube views to videos for ranking in the top spots of Google by using SEO, the newsletter explains, because the top spot of the organic rankings on Google typically gets 46% of the clicks from the page with the second spot getting approximately 13%.

When people use SEO strategies for their videos, they can rank higher in YouTube also, the newsletter explains, which will cause their videos get more views from the people that are surfing around YouTube. There are a lot of people that would rather watch a video than read text, the newsletter says, so they do their searching through videos for information they are looking for.

This holds true for people that are searching on Google also, reports the Digital Marketer newsletter. YouTube videos that rank on Google will include a thumbnail image, the newsletter reports, so when people type in keywords and see an image with all the other results on the page being text links, they will normally click on the image.

Local business can use SEO for YouTube to gain new customers, the newsletter explains, because many people are searching on their mobile phones for information about a business. Today’s marketplace is turning to the Internet for reviews, information and recommendations for local business, the newsletter states, often while in route to purchase products and services.

The Digital Marketer newsletter explains that using YouTube for Local SEO can place a business far above their competition, because if people are searching on the Internet and they find a business in the top positions for relevant keywords related to the business with testimonials about their products and services, their chances of getting a business visit or call have increased.

The recently released “YouTube Google Hack” eBook that was published by the Digital Marketer Labs, provides simple steps to follow to use YouTube for Local SEO.

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