HTC India has launched its second Beats Audio Android phone Sensation XL in country today. Company has priced it at a hefty INR 38,799 (best buy price, MRP is INR 39,990), making it the most expensive Android phone pricing till date in India. Sensation XL will be available in stores country-wide soon.
Features Overview:
HTC Sensation XL features a 1.5GHz processor, a whopping 4.7 inch display with 800X480p resolution, and Android 2.3. While Sensation XL specifications seem great, display resolution and RAM are slight disappointments. 1GB RAM has become the standard for quite some time for high-end Android devices, but Sensation XL is struck with 768MB, and in terms of display resolution 720p displays are in, HTC could have at-least put a qHD screen.
“With Beats Audio, the HTC Sensation XL continues HTC’s commitment of delivering the best audio possible on your phone whether you’re listening to music, watching a movie or playing a game. This is an amazing example of why our partnership with Beats makes so much sense for customers today and into the future.”
- Faisal Siddiqui, Country Head, HTC India
Thanks to the poor rupee value for last some days, companies have started pricing their devices higher than usual and Sensation XL is just an example, if we don’t see a correction in rupee value soon upcoming launches will disappoint us because of hefty price tags.
HTC Sensation XL Features & Technical Specifications:
Features Overview:
HTC Sensation XL features a 1.5GHz processor, a whopping 4.7 inch display with 800X480p resolution, and Android 2.3. While Sensation XL specifications seem great, display resolution and RAM are slight disappointments. 1GB RAM has become the standard for quite some time for high-end Android devices, but Sensation XL is struck with 768MB, and in terms of display resolution 720p displays are in, HTC could have at-least put a qHD screen.
“With Beats Audio, the HTC Sensation XL continues HTC’s commitment of delivering the best audio possible on your phone whether you’re listening to music, watching a movie or playing a game. This is an amazing example of why our partnership with Beats makes so much sense for customers today and into the future.”
- Faisal Siddiqui, Country Head, HTC India
Thanks to the poor rupee value for last some days, companies have started pricing their devices higher than usual and Sensation XL is just an example, if we don’t see a correction in rupee value soon upcoming launches will disappoint us because of hefty price tags.
HTC Sensation XL Features & Technical Specifications:
- Qualcomm MSM 8255 1.5GHz processor
- 768MB RAM
- Android 2.3 with HTC Sense
- 16GB Internal storage
- 8MP rear camera with dual LED flash
- 1.3MP front camera
- 1600 mAh battery
- DLNA, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS