Please read the following instructions before filling up the online application.
The Candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions for admission to examination. Their admission to all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.
Mere issue of e‐admission certificate to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission.
(a) Candidates must apply Online by using the website
Candidates should ensure that all columns of the Online Application Form are filled in correctly. No correspondence will be entertained by the Commission from candidates to change any of the entries made in the application form.
The printed copy of the Online Application Form with necessary certification done by the appropriate authority must reach the Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi – 110069 on or before 19th April, 2012.
The envelope containing the application should be super scribed “Application for Indian Police Service Limited Competitive Examination, 2012”. Application can also be delivered at Union Public Service Commission counter by hand. The Commission will not be responsible for the applications delivered to any other functionary of the Commission.
The Online Applications can be filled up to 1st April, 2012 till 11.59 PM after which the link will be disabled. The last date for receiving printed copy of online application form along with enclosures/certificates is 19th April 2012
Guidelines for filling the online detailed application form (DAF) for Limited Competitive Examination for IPS, 2012.
1. Please log on to the website and click on the link “ Online Application for LCE‐IPS‐2012”
2. Candidate who wish to apply for LCE‐IPS‐2012 have to first get themselves registered before filling up the Online Detailed Application Form(DAF) at the website
3. Please create your registration account by clicking appropriately on the link provided below the “login” button.
4. On the registration module, provide your Name (as recorded in the matriculation/secondary examination certificate), Father Name, Mother Name, and Date of Birth (as recorded in the matriculation/secondary examination certificate).
5. Provide your e‐mail address and re‐enter your e‐mail address.
6. Enter the security code which is appearing on the screen and click the submit button.
NB: (a) All the field mark with * are mandatory and are compulsory to fill in.
(b) Please ensure that you provide a valid and an active e‐mail address in the e‐mail address field as your password for filling up the application form along with
registration ID (RID) shall be e‐mailed to you on the e‐mail address provided by you. Invalid or inactive e‐mail address may prevent you from smooth completion of submission of online application form.
7. After clicking the submission button, you will get a message on your screen, clearly mentioning your Name, e‐mail and RID, that you have been registered and your registration ID along with account details have been sent to your e‐mail address. Please note down your RID and other details.
8. Now log in to your e‐mail account and note down your password which has been sent to you by the Commission and again go back to the website ( and log in into the Login module with your registration ID (eleven digit number) along with the password.
9. Online DAF has seven modules as indicated above, namely‐ Personal, Educational Information, Parental Information, Employment Information, State Cadre Preference, Uploading Images and Final Submission.
10. Candidates are required to fill all the modules completely before finally submitting the form ONLINE, using the Final Submission Module.
11. Candidates should save each module after completing the same. However, candidates will have the option to make changes in any module before final submission of DAF. Once Final Submission has been made, then no change will be possible Online.
12. Candidates are required to take the print out of the Finally Submitted online application form and sign on each page and submit it to the commission through proper channel along with certificates duly signed and verified by cadre controlling authorities that they are clear from vigilance angle and are having requisite service of 05 years in the eligible grade. This application along with documents/enclosures should be submitted to the commission positively by 19.04.2012.
13. Candidates are not supposed to print the PREVIEW OF APPLICATION. In case the candidates submit print copy of PREVIEW OF APPLICATION, his candidature is liable to be rejected.
14. Candidates may note that some of the fields namely Candidate's name, Date of Birth, Registration Id, Father's name, Mother's name and e‐mail address have been pre‐populated using the information provided by the candidate at the time of registration. Such fields will appear grayed out and cannot be changed by the candidate. However, if a Candidate notes any error / discrepancy in these fields, he may make a separate detailed representation to the Commission including all relevant documents, in support of his claim. The representation may be sent along with the filled up hard copy of the Detailed application Form. The Commission will decide each such case on merit and its decision in such cases shall be final.
For More Information:
doesnt finding the login button on