Many Professionals and Students in India reported that they've got a mail which includes this image and titled -
Read and forward it.( From Micosoft Bill Gates) No harm in trying
Some believe its somewhat true and forwards it to all since it is claimed to have come from Billgates. But it's not the case.
Report analysis :
1. Tentative Sender Name : Melquir Sagyarajan - Wikipedia Profile Link - Guessed from the Image
2. He is not from Microsoft. He is a Web Professional Consultant.
3. Since he is a web professional, This seems it is some SEO / Fame Gaining technique.
4. Blog post about this in December 2009. - This shows its too old.
From these reports, we can summarize it is a planned spamming using email Network Chain.
Probable Consequences:
1. Email id tracking for Spamming and Selling.
2. IP tracking.
3. SEO .
4. Malware installation.
Please don't forward these kind of emails to anyone and Try to report us. We'll expose it to the world.
Break the chain!!!